Sunday, October 26, 2014

Banksy Project

The point of this project was basically interpret an artists art and do a piece like they would. I had the artist Banksy who was a very political artist who often used stencil and did graffiti type artwork such as this one.

When we were asked to interpret and recreate the artists art, I noticed that in almost all of his art he used mostly black and white and one color which was usually red. He also always had political meaning. For my piece of art I took the style aspect instead of the meaning and created this piece of art.
My inspiration came from this piece of Banksy's art. This piece of a solider with music notes coming out of his gun has a lot of meaning to it but I chose to look at it more in how he did this. The solider is black and white with the backgrounds different shades and the notes are a different color than the rest.
 I feel that I did a good job at recreating the aspects of his artwork

Perspective Project

For the perspective project, I chose to do a two point drawing. I did a Disney movie theme where I chose several different symbols from Disney movies that would be recognizable such as the clock guy from Beauty and the Beast, the big red apple from Snow White and the glass slipper from Cinderella.  I found my inspiration for this from a picture I had found on the internet. These pictures show both a two point perspective but also the candy land kind of theme. 

I got my inspiration more from the second one where as I just stretched it to match the structure of the first one and changed the theme. 

I feel like I demonstrated perspective alright in this project. I feel like I could have done better on it but with the very little perspective experience I had I feel like it was good. It was good practice with perspective and burnishing colored pencil.