Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dum Dum Drawing Blog

Dum Dum Lollipop Project

For this assignment we were given Dum Dum lollipops and were asked to draw them using the prisms colored pencils. We also had to add in a light source and value to it using the colors that were appropriate to the color of the lollipop. I liked this assignment because colored pencils are for sure my favorite medium. With the colored pencils, I feel like I have more control over the weight of the value and how well they blend. Especially with these pencils, they definitely had nice blending to them and the white really helped while trying to add in value. I thought this project was fun and I enjoyed having a source to look at. We also got to use different colors you wouldn't typically use and that was different and fun too. The only thing I really found a problem in was trying to imitate the lettering from the wrapper onto mine. I tried a few times and I just couldn't grasp the same look as the real lollipop. That's when I decided to change mine and instead of doing what was exactly on the Dum Dum, I made my own lettering. I changed the overall look of it by repeating the trademark less times as on the real wrapper and changing some of the block lettering to just normal handwriting. I think this helped my piece because otherwise it looked like a hot mess. It also added my own kind of input to it which is always good as an artist. One other thing I had trouble creating were the creases in the wrapper at the bottom of the lollipop where it wraps around the stick. It got better towards the end when I had tried a few times but the initial one was not the best work. I definitely learned a lot using this medium and I really liked this project.

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